Gas has definitively a role to play in the future energy mix – so concluded the IGU Diplomatic Gas Forum in Oslo, Norway, 15 December 2015. Natural gas is part of the solution both in the transition to and as part of a sustainable future energy mix.
Gas has definitively a role to play in the future energy mix – so concluded the IGU Diplomatic Gas Forum in Oslo, Norway, 15 December 2015. Natural gas is part of the solution both in the transition to and as part of a sustainable future energy mix. It is the cleanest fossil fuel in terms of greenhouse gases and a relatively low-carbon fuel that can help meet CO2 reductions. It is also a solution to urban air quality problems and can help improve the health and quality of life of millions of people. More details of the presentations held yesterday can be found below.
The third IGU Diplomatic Gas Forum in Europe was organized by the International Gas Union and generously hosted by DNV GL, IGU Associate member. It was timely, only a few days after the signing of the new climate agreement in Paris, and united almost 50 delegates, including 26 ambassadors, from 44 embassies accredited to Norway. IGU will be working to extend this event to other regions of the world in 2016.
The programme and presentations:
International Energy Agency – Christophe McGlade, Senior Energy Analyst in the World Energy Outlook team – “IEA World Energy Outlook 2015”
DNV GL – Elisabeth Tørstad, CEO – DNV GL Oil and Gas – “The global opportunity – Gas’ role towards a more sustainable future”
Statoil ASA – Bjørn Otto Sverdrup, Senior Vice President, Sustainability – “The role of Natural gas, climate and sustainability in Statoil”
DNV GL – Martin Layfield, Global Gas Segment Director – “Global problem of flaring and venting – solutions for Natural Gas Capture”
Energy Delta Institute – Marcel Kramer, President EDI, IGU Regional Coordinator – “-Post COP 21-IGU Study on Urban Air Quality: Enhancing and Saving Human Lives”